Thursday, July 29, 2010

TOUCHY TOPICS THURSDAYS: in which I say why you should read what Nathan Bransford says you should never say

This Tuesday my subscription to agent Nathan Bransford's blog delivered a special gem. His posts are always informative and funny, but this one speaks so eloquently, and amusingly to a readerly habit that makes me sputter with indignation that it just made my day. As you can see, I couldn't even wait until next Tuesday, my usual Touchy Topics day, to share it. I'm not going to say anything else about it (you folks who take my classes know how rare that is). Just click here to read it. Be sure to read past the comic irritation to the real point, about what you as a writer should say, and why. And click on the link for comments at the end to read the dialogue that ensued...a dialogue in which Nathan himself engages. Ah, the delights of the blog!

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