Saturday, January 8, 2011

WORKING WRITER REVIEWS: The Pocket Muse by Monica Wood

The Pocket MuseLike some people, some books are simply...charming. They may (or may not) also be intelligent, humorous, helpful, and/or any other number of lovely qualities. But first and foremost they are charming, and it is that characteristic that makes you want to be near them.

Monica Wood's The Pocket Muse: Ideas and Inspirations for Writing is that kind of book. It is, indeed, intelligent, humorous, helpful, and any other number of lovely qualities, but what captures me about it first and foremost is its charm.

It's charmingly titled, the "pocket muse" phrase perfectly conveying its small collection of inspirations and ideas. Charmingly designed, a small hardover with winsome little images and page formats. Charmingly illustrated, with a variety of vintage and not-so-vintage photographs of unexpected things. Charmingly voiced, with a nice mixture of recollections, suggestions, questions and gentle admonishments and a mood that is both lighthearted and wise. Every time I browse through it I feel as though I would like being in the company of Monica Wood (who I do not know personally at all) especially on one of those days when my writing is dreadful and my mood is worse. Such a meeting being unlikely, it is a sufficient pleasure to spend a little time with her book.

If you too have days of terrible writing and terrible-er moods, you might enjoy this one. It's also useful for non-writing days when everywhere you look there is a woeful dearth of, yes, charm.

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